Month: September 2024

Why Meat Pies Are a National Icon in Australia and New Zealand

G’day, mates! Ever wondered what Aussies and Kiwis can’t get enough of? It’s the humble meat pie, a true blue icon Down Under. These flaky, savory pastries have made a name for themselves in Australia and New Zealand, becoming as much a part of the culture as kangaroos and kiwis. Meat pies Australia-style are more than just a quick bite; they’re a national obsession that’s been satisfying hungry bellies for generations.

From footy matches to beach barbie, you’ll find these tasty treats everywhere you look. The Australian meat pie has come a long way from its British roots, evolving into something uniquely Antipodean. And let’s not forget about the meat pie NZ version, which has its own special place in Kiwi hearts. This article will take a bite into the history of these beloved pastries, break down what makes a classic meat pie tick, and explore why they’ve become such a big deal in Aussie and Kiwi culture.

The History of Meat Pies in Australia and New Zealand

British Colonial Influence

The story of meat pies Down Under kicks off with a bit of British flavor. These tasty treats hitched a ride with the Poms back in the 18th century when they set up shop in the Antipodes. At first, they were pretty basic – just a pastry shell stuffed with meat and gravy. But crikey, did they catch on fast!

These portable pockets of deliciousness were a hit with workers and travelers alike. They were the perfect grub for those on the go, filling bellies from Sydney to Wellington. As the colonies grew, so did the love for these flaky, meaty morsels.

Evolution into a National Dish

As time rolled on, Aussies and Kiwis decided to put their own spin on things. They started experimenting with different fillings, chucking in everything but the kitchen sink. Steak and kidney, chicken and mushroom, and even the classic mince all found their way into pies.

But it was the addition of cheese in the 1970s that really got things cooking. Suddenly, the humble pie was jazzed up and ready to take on the world. Fast forward to today, and you can find pies with all sorts of fancy fillings, from butter chicken to vegetarian options.

Cultural Significance

These days, meat pies are as Aussie as a kangaroo in a ute and as Kiwi as a sheep on a hill. They’ve become such a big deal that some reckon they’re the national dish of both countries. In fact, the average Aussie chomps down on about 12 pies a year, while Kiwis go even harder, smashing 15 each!

The meat pie’s place in Antipodean culture is so solid, it’s even got its own awards. The Bakels Supreme Pie Awards in New Zealand have been crowning the best pies since 1996, proving that Kiwis take their pies dead seriously.

Anatomy of the Classic Meat Pie

Pastry Crust

Crikey, let’s talk about the golden jacket of these Aussie beauties! A proper meat pie’s got a two-part pastry system that’d make any baker proud. The bottom’s a sturdy shortcrust, giving the pie its backbone. It’s like the foundation of a house – without it, you’d have a right mess on your hands. Up top, you’ve got a layer of puff pastry that’s flakier than your mate who always cancels plans at the last minute. When it comes out of the oven, it’s a sight to behold – all golden and puffy, just begging to be bitten into.

Meat Filling

Now, onto the good stuff inside! The heart and soul of an Aussie meat pie is, well, the meat. Traditionally, it’s minced beef, but some fancy places might chuck in chunks of steak or even kangaroo if they’re feeling adventurous. The rules say at least 25% of the pie’s gotta be meat, but most places go above and beyond. You might find some mushrooms or onions in there too, adding a bit of extra oomph to the flavor.

Gravy and Seasonings

What’s a meat pie without its gravy? It’s the secret sauce that brings everything together. The gravy’s thick and rich, often dark as night thanks to a splash of Guinness or red wine. Some clever cooks even sneak in a bit of Vegemite for that extra umami kick. Don’t forget the seasoning – a good whack of pepper is essential for that classic taste. And here’s a fun fact for ya: if you’re ever in Arizona craving an authentic Aussie or Kiwi pie, AZ Pie Guys have got you covered!

Meat Pie Consumption and Popularity

Annual Consumption Statistics

Crikey, Aussies and Kiwis sure love their meat pies! The average Aussie chomps down on more than 12 pies a year, which adds up to a whopping 270 million pies across the country. But hold onto your hats, because our Kiwi mates take it even further. The average New Zealander smashes through 15 pies annually, totalling 66 million pies for the nation. That’s a lot of pastry, mates!

Occasions for Eating Meat Pies

These tasty treats are perfect for just about any occasion. You’ll find them at footy matches, where they’re as much a part of the game as the ball itself. Both Balfours and Vili’s in South Australia have been supplying pies to Aussie Rules games for yonks. In Victoria, Four’n Twenty and Patties are the big names in the pie game, keeping fans fed at matches across the state.

Regional Variations

Every corner of Australia and New Zealand has its own take on the humble meat pie. In Tasmania, National Pies rules the roost, dishing out classic beef mince pies and their special ‘Cottage Pies’ topped with mashed spuds. New South Wales once boasted the famous railway pies, with a reputation for being chock-full of meat and flavor. Back in 1942, a mind-boggling 2.3 million of these beauties were scoffed down in just 12 months!

Across the ditch in New Zealand, Big Ben Pies has been cranking out pies since 1969, selling a massive 13 million pies each year. And get this – Kiwis love their pies so much that they even had their own pie-focused fast food chain called Georgie Pie, which opened up shop before the American chains rolled in!

The Meat Pie Industry

Major Manufacturers

Crikey, the meat pie industry in Australia and New Zealand is a big deal! You’ve got heavyweights like Big Ben Pies cranking out a whopping 13 million pies a year in Auckland. Then there’s Irvines in South Auckland, churning out 10,000 pies every hour – that’s enough to feed every Kiwi’s pie cravings daily!

But it’s not just the big boys making waves. Jimmy’s, a family-run business in Roxborough, has been dishing out 20,000 pies a day since 1960. And let’s not forget about Four’n Twenty, the iconic Aussie brand that’s been filling footy fans’ bellies since 1947.

Artisanal and Gourmet Pies

Now, if you’re after something a bit fancy, the gourmet pie scene is booming. The Bakels Supreme Pie Awards in New Zealand are like the Oscars for pies, with bakers competing for the top spot since 1997. You’ll find everything from free-range chicken and porcini to Moroccan goat pies!

Economic Impact

The meat pie industry is no small potatoes in the Antipodean economy. Beef and lamb exports from New Zealand alone rake in over USD 3.50 billion a year. And get this – more than 90 percent of Kiwi beef ends up overseas! It’s not just about the dough (pun intended), though. The pie industry is a cultural cornerstone, with competitions like the Official Great Aussie Pie Competition keeping the tradition alive since 1990.


Meat pies have carved out a special place in the hearts and stomachs of Aussies and Kiwis alike. From their humble beginnings as British imports to becoming cultural icons, these savory pastries have come a long way. Their popularity is evident in the staggering consumption figures, with Australians gobbling up 270 million pies annually and New Zealanders not far behind. The meat pie’s versatility, from classic beef to gourmet fillings, has kept it relevant and beloved across generations.

The meat pie industry has a significant impact on the economies of both countries, supporting local businesses and contributing to export revenues. Its cultural importance is celebrated through competitions and awards, keeping the tradition alive and encouraging innovation. For those craving an authentic taste of Down Under, you can even find these iconic treats in unexpected places – why not visit AZ Pie Guys to order a genuine Aussie or Kiwi pie right in Arizona? Whether at a footy match or a fancy bakery, the meat pie continues to be a tasty symbol of Antipodean culture, bringing people together one flaky, savory bite at a time.


What makes meat pies so beloved in Australia?
Meat pies were introduced to Australia by British settlers in the 18th century. Originally, these pies consisted of a simple pastry crust filled with meat and gravy, offering a convenient and portable meal option for workers and travelers. Their practicality and satisfying nature quickly cemented their popularity in the burgeoning Australian colonies.

Are meat pies considered a dish from Australia or New Zealand?
Meat pies are deeply embedded in both Australian and New Zealand cuisines. In 2003, the New South Wales Premier Bob Carr referred to the meat pie as Australia’s “national dish.” Similarly, in New Zealand, meat pies are considered an integral part of the national cuisine and identity.

Why do pies enjoy such popularity in New Zealand?
In New Zealand, pies are a staple, deriving from English culinary traditions. They are commonly consumed at all meals: children often eat them for breakfast on their way to school, they are a popular lunch choice for many, and are also enjoyed for dinner, frequently accompanied by mashed potatoes and peas. Their affordability, convenience, and satisfying taste contribute to their widespread consumption.

Why is meat a prevalent food choice in Australia?
Research conducted in Australia suggests that meat is perceived as essential for a healthy diet, primarily due to its high content of iron and protein. The general consensus views meat as a fundamental dietary requirement, reinforcing its popularity and consumption across the nation.

Where can I try one of these bonza pies?

Are you keen to sink your teeth into a delicious meat pie right here in Arizona? Don’t wait! Hit up AZ Pie Guys HERE to place your order and enjoy a true Aussie treat!

What Are New Zealand and Australian Sausage Rolls?

G’day, mates! Ever wondered what’s inside those golden, flaky parcels of deliciousness called sausage rolls? Well, you’re in for a treat! These Aussie and Kiwi favorites have been warming hearts and filling bellies for yonks. Whether you’re a fair dinkum Aussie or just curious about Down Under cuisine, sausage rolls are a must-try snack that’ll have you saying “bonza” in no time.

Now, let’s dive into the world of sausage rolls, shall we? We’ll take a gander at what makes these beauties tick, compare them to other meat pastries, and show you how to scoff them down like a true blue local. By the end, you’ll be a sausage roll expert, ready to impress your mates at the next barbie. So, grab a cuppa and get comfy – it’s time to unravel the mystery of the humble yet mighty sausage roll!

Anatomy of a Sausage Roll

Alright, mates, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of what makes a sausage roll tick! These little beauties are like the Aussie and Kiwi version of a meat pie’s cheeky cousin. They’re simple, but boy, do they pack a punch!

Flaky pastry exterior

First up, we’ve got the star of the show – the pastry. Now, we’re not talking about any old pastry here. We’re talking about puff pastry, the flaky, buttery goodness that makes your taste buds do a little dance. It’s like a warm, crispy hug for the sausage inside. Most folks reckon store-bought puff pastry does the trick, but if you’re feeling fancy, splash out on the “all butter” variety. It’ll make your sausage rolls go from “yeah, that’s nice” to “strewth, that’s bonza!”

Savory meat filling

Now, let’s chat about the heart and soul of a sausage roll – the meat. Traditionally, we’re looking at pork sausage meat. But here’s the thing, not all sausage meat is created equal. Some like it peppery, some like it sagey, and some (don’t tell anyone) even love a good old Richmond sausage. The beauty is, you can pick your favorite snags, whip off the skin, and voila! You’ve got yourself some top-notch sausage meat.

But wait, there’s more! You can zhuzh up your meat mix with all sorts of goodies. Chuck in some onions, garlic, herbs, or even a bit of paprika if you’re feeling spicy. Just remember, you don’t want your mixture too wet, or you’ll end up with a soggy bottom – and nobody likes a soggy bottom!

Regional variations

Now, here’s where it gets interesting. Sausage rolls might seem like they’re all the same, but crikey, there are more variations than you can poke a stick at! In Hong Kong, they’ve gone and put their own spin on things. Instead of wrapping the sausage in puff pastry, they’ve nestled it in a soft milk bread bun. It’s like a sausage roll and a hot dog had a baby!

And for our veggie and vegan mates, don’t worry, we haven’t forgotten about you. These days, there are heaps of ripper vegetarian and vegan sausages out there that’ll work a treat in a sausage roll. So everyone can get in on the action!

Sausage Rolls vs Other Meat Pastries

Comparison with meat pies

Crikey, mates! Let’s chat about how our beloved sausage rolls stack up against other meaty treats. Now, if you’re thinking sausage rolls are just meat pies in disguise, you’ve got another think coming! While both are Aussie favorites, they’re as different as chalk and cheese.

Meat pies are like the big brother of the pastry world – a hearty handful with a crusty top and bottom, packed with minced meat and gravy. Sausage rolls, on the other hand, are the cheeky little siblings. They’re more of a grab-and-go snack, perfect for munching on the move.

Differences from hot dogs

Now, some folks reckon sausage rolls are just fancy hot dogs. But strewth, that’s like saying a kangaroo’s just a big rabbit! While both involve sausage, that’s where the similarity ends. Hot dogs are all about that soft bun and emulsified sausage, while sausage rolls are wrapped in flaky, buttery puff pastry that’ll make your taste buds do a happy dance.

Fun fact: sausage rolls are actually the closest thing to a hot dog you’ll find in old Blighty. They’re like the posh English cousin of the American hot dog, swapping out the bun for some fancy pastry dough.

Unique characteristics

What sets sausage rolls apart from the pack? Well, for starters, they’ve got a ripper history. These little beauties originated in France back in the 19th century and became a hit on London streets during the Napoleonic wars. Talk about standing the test of time!

But the real magic of sausage rolls is in their versatility. You can whip up a batch at home, freeze ’em, and bake ’em straight from the freezer when you’re feeling peckish. And let’s not forget the best part – they’re traditionally served with a dollop of tomato sauce. It’s a match made in heaven, like vegemite on toast!

Serving and Eating Sausage Rolls

Condiments and sauces

G’day, mates! Let’s talk about the best part of scoffing down a sausage roll – the sauces! Now, these little beauties are ripper on their own, but chuck in a dipping sauce, and you’re in for a real treat. The go-to sauce for most Aussies is good old tomato sauce, but why stop there?

For those feeling a bit fancy, whip up a tangy dipping sauce with Dijon mustard, Worcestershire sauce, and a sprinkle of herbs. It’s got a nice kick that’ll make your taste buds do the Macarena! If you’re after something sweeter, a dollop of sweet chili sauce might just hit the spot. And for the adventurous types, why not give sriracha or aioli a burl?

Temperature considerations

Now, here’s a hot tip (pun intended): sausage rolls are versatile little blighters. You can serve ’em hot or cold, depending on your fancy. Straight out of the oven, they’re like a warm hug for your belly. But don’t worry if they’ve cooled down – they’re still bonza at room temperature, perfect for chucking in your esky for a picnic or beach day.

If you’ve got leftovers (as if!), pop ’em in the fridge. They’ll keep for about three days, but let’s be honest, they probably won’t last that long! When you’re ready for round two, just give ’em a quick zap in the oven to bring back that crispy, flaky goodness.

Etiquette and customs

Alright, gather ’round for a bit of a giggle. Some posh types reckon there’s a “proper” way to eat a sausage roll. Get this – they say you should use a knife and fork! But between you and me, that’s about as useful as a screen door on a submarine.

In true blue Aussie style, the best way to enjoy a sausage roll is with your hands. Just grab it, give it a dunk in your sauce of choice, and bob’s your uncle! It’s meant to be a casual snack, perfect for munching on the go or at a barbie with your mates.

Remember, when you’re out and about in Oz, don’t wait for the bill to magically appear – you’ll be there till the cows come home. Just give your waiter a shout when you’re ready to settle up. And if you’re feeling generous, a 10% tip is the standard way to say “cheers” for good service.


Sausage rolls have certainly made their mark on the food scene Down Under. These flaky, savory treats have a rich history and have become a beloved snack in both Australia and New Zealand. From their humble beginnings to their current status as a culinary icon, sausage rolls have shown their staying power and versatility. Their adaptability to various tastes and dietary needs has only added to their popularity.

Whether you’re munching on one at a picnic, grabbing a quick bite on the go, or serving them up at your next barbie, sausage rolls are sure to please. Their simple yet satisfying combination of crispy pastry and flavorful meat filling has an impact on taste buds across generations. For those eager to try these Aussie favorites, you can order here to get a taste of this Down Under delight. So next time you’re in the mood for a tasty snack, why not give these little beauties a go?


What is the origin of the sausage roll? The sausage roll, as we know it today, originated in 19th-century France. The concept of wrapping meat in pastry, however, goes back to the Ancient Greeks and Romans. Sausage rolls gained popularity as an affordable street food in London in the early 1800s and have since become a staple British snack.

What ingredients are used in Australian sausage rolls? Australian sausage rolls are made by wrapping a flavorful sausage mixture in flaky puff pastry. The filling typically includes ground Italian sausage, onions, carrots, spinach, garlic, rosemary, smoked paprika, salt, and pepper, along with an egg to bind the mixture.

Can you share some interesting details about sausage rolls? Sausage rolls, which involve encasing meat in pastry, have a history that dates back to ancient times. However, the modern version of the sausage roll originated in France during the 19th century and became a popular, inexpensive street food in the UK around the year 1800.

What are some common Australian terms for sausages? In Australia, sausages are colloquially known as “snags” or “bangers.” One popular way to enjoy them is in a “sausage sanga,” which is essentially a sausage sandwich, often purchased at local hardware stores during fundraisers or community events.

Craving a ripper sausage roll, mate?

AZ Pie Guys has got you covered in Arizona! Chuck your order in right here.

Australian and New Zealand Groups in Arizona

Did you know that there’s a vibrant and active down under community right here in sunny Arizona?

Are you an expat from Australia or New Zealand? Perhaps your partner hails from the land of kangaroos and kiwis? Do you find yourself missing those laid-back chats and good times with your fellow down under mates? Well, you’re in luck!

Arizona boasts a fantastic and lively down under community that regularly comes together for a variety of events. We celebrate special occasions like ANZAC Day, Australia Day, and Waitangi Day, along with other fun gatherings such as sporting events, BBQs, and festive Christmas parties. It’s a great way to connect with others who share your background and interests, and to enjoy some good old-fashioned camaraderie.

To stay in the loop about all the happenings, we have two main Facebook groups where you can find all the latest news and event details:

Kiwis in Arizona

Australians in Arizona (Aussies International)

These groups are not just about events; they’re also a fantastic way to meet new friends and share experiences. Whether you’re looking for someone to reminisce about home with or just want to find a buddy to grab a drink with, these groups are the perfect place to start.

Additionally, you can sign up for our AZ Mates Updates Newsletter. This newsletter is packed with fun trivia, engaging member interviews, and all the details about upcoming events. Just a heads-up, you might also receive 1-2 emails a month from AZ Pie Guys, but trust us, they’re worth it!

Sign up for the newsletter here

Speaking of AZ Pie Guys, if you’re craving a taste of home, that’s the place to go! They offer delicious pies, mouth-watering sausage rolls, and other down under treats that will surely satisfy your cravings. It’s like a little slice of Australia right here in Arizona! You can find AZ Pie Guys here

So, whether you’re looking to celebrate a special day, enjoy some good food, or just hang out with fellow Aussies and Kiwis, the down under community in Arizona has something for everyone. Don’t miss out on the chance to connect with others who understand your love for the land down under. Join us, and let’s make some unforgettable memories together!

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